
Got a question about Fischy Music?

“Big, big questions, tough, tough questions” / Big, Big Questions / © Fischy Music 2014
Fischy Music Frequently Asked Questions

How do I subscribe to Fischy Music Online?

To purchase a Fischy Music Online subscription, please follow the steps below to place your order which will then activate your subscription:

  1. Visit our online shop: www.fischy.com/shop/products 
  2. Scroll down to the Song Package you would like to purchase and click on the price
  3. Click on ‘buy now’
  4. Complete your login details/register for an account (please note your username and password will be used by all staff who will have unlimited access to the Fischy Music Online subscription)
  5. You can opt to pay by credit/debit card, request an invoice (which can be paid by cheque or BACS) or pay with a purchase order number which must be placed on your Purchase Order System prior to your order as the PO number will be needed when placing your subscription order.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us: info@fischy.com 

Can we use a Fischy Music song in a video we are recording?

Provided the video is a not-for-profit exercise, you are not making more than 100 copies, and Fischy Music is fully credited on the video and in any supplementary material (‘name of song’ © Fischy Music, year of production, plus our website address), you may use a song. If the video is a commercial enterprise or for public broadcast you must contact us to discuss terms before proceeding.

Can we record us singing a Fischy Music song?

See previous – similar terms apply. Provided the song is a not-for-profit exercise, you are not making more than 100 copies, and Fischy Music is fully credited on the song and in any supplementary material (‘name of song’ © Fischy Music, year of production, plus our website address), you may use a song. If the song is a commercial enterprise or for public broadcast you must contact us to discuss terms before proceeding.

Can we change some of the words of a Fischy Music song?

You are welcome to change lyrics to fit your situation, provided you are not recording or distributing your version as a commercial enterprise. Any lyrical changes must be in the spirit of the original – i.e. it must still be suitable for all ages and generally of a positive nature!

Can I use a Fischy Music song in our church service ?

Yes – we produce our songs with the aim that they can be used by churches. You can log use of Fischy songs via the Church Copyright Licence (CCL) which most churches subscribe to.

Can we use a Fischy Music song in an online or streamed event?

With many events/services happening online just now, we recognise that Fischy subscribers may wish to stream our songs (If you are not a subscriber, we would ask you to consider subscribing to Fischy Music Online). Please note:

  • Our songs on Fischy Music Online are streamed and can’t be downloaded and they can’t be used in a way that makes them downloadable (This is in keeping with our Terms & Conditions)
  • We are asking that our song videos are not used in the public domain for anyone to view
  • We are happy for teachers/church workers to make their own video to one of our audio tracks (there are some brilliant examples on social media)
  • We are asking that when songs are used, the audio/visual quality is maintained
  • Please credit Fischy Music whenever our songs are used (‘name of song’ © Fischy Music, year of production, plus our website address)

I represent a school; Why do we have to buy a resource pack or subscribe to Fischy Music Online, not just buy a CD?

We produce extensive supporting materials to help schools get the best out of Fischy Music and it is our experience that the songs do not ‘do their work’ nearly so well when children and teachers don’t know the signs and actions associated with the songs, or how to fully engage with the words and music.

The videos and teaching material on Fischy Music Online (or Resource Packs) are very affordable given the potential use and offer a far greater number of resources including song videos and teacher notes. CD-only versions are for individual or family use only.

Where can I get the sheet music for one of your songs?

Sheet music for most of our songs is available as part of the Fischy Music Online subscription.

If you don't have a subscription package then you can buy sheet music for over 80 Fischy songs on our shop and receive it via email as soon as you place your order.

Are Fischy songs available as single downloads?

Yes, Fischy Music songs are available to download from Apple Music and Amazon Music (You can also stream our music from Spotify and other streaming platforms).

Streaming Fischy Songs

What happens when you visit a school for a day?

A typical Fischy school day consists of 3 x 45-minute workshops in the morning with up to 70 children in each workshop group and a one-hour concert for the whole school in the afternoon.

Fischy school days can be themed to fit in with a particular whole-school topic, e.g. Health & Wellbeing, anti-bullying, looking after our world, celebrating Christmas, resilience or transitions (Hellos and Goodbyes).

You are welcome to request your ‘Fischy favourites’ to be included in the day and we would also hope to teach you some new songs while we are with you. For more information see our Book a School Day page and to check availability, contact us at: info@fischy.com

Can you write a song for our school? How much will it cost?

We can and do write songs for schools with children on a variety of themes. Themes can be pre-decided such as ‘what I like about my school / our school community’ or ‘what it means to be Scottish’, or they can be chosen by the children in the classroom at the time of writing depending on where the creative process takes us.

The cost depends on how many days’ work are involved, how many children are included in the songwriting process (this affects how long it takes), and how much work you want us to do outside of school e.g. creating backing tracks to go behind the children singing.

For more information about costs and availability, contact us at: info@fischy.com

Do you do events in Nurseries?

We have a good range of songs that are ideal for Nursery-aged children on our streaming platform Fischy Music Online and have just launched a new Early Years Song Package, giving staff unlimited access to over 45 songs.

Although we work mainly with the Primary age groups and prioritise work with 5-11 year-olds, we sometimes work with Nursery-aged children as well, particularly as part of a normal school day.

Are you a Christian organisation?

Our organisation is rooted in the Christian faith, but our team hold a variety of personal faith positions, and we are committed to supporting diversity and the equality of all, regardless of religious faith or belief. We work in primary schools with children and teachers of all faiths and none, in line with the current national health & wellbeing curriculum. We also deliver input and produce resources for churches and Christian faith organisations. Only those team members with a committed Christian faith will work in church contexts.

How much does a church event cost?

The cost of church events varies depending on how long we are with you and the type of event it is. If part of your event involves a concert, it will depend on how many people are in the band. A number of churches sponsor a School Day event for their local school(s). For more information, contact us at: info@fischy.com

How long will orders from your shop take to arrive?

We fulfil all our orders within 3 days of an order being received, and they are usually delivered within 5 working days. We have recently added a new range of Fischy merchandise to our shop.

Will you come to Bulgaria? Ethiopia?

We don’t usually do trips outside the UK. However, we may occasionally arrange a trip further afield if we think it has strategic importance and if all the costs are covered.

Do you visit schools / churches outside Scotland?

We do a limited number of away trips every year to other parts of the UK. We generally ask for a minimum number of days’ work and some specific types of event to be included in the trip, e.g. training. As well as the event fees, the travel, accommodation and subsistence costs must be covered by the client(s). For more information, email: info@fischy.com.

Our digital streaming platform reaches thousands of children in schools and churches, giving access to Fischy sing-along song videos, audio tracks and extensive teaching resources. An annual subscription gives all teachers unlimited access to our newest songs as well as all the Fischy favourites, like 'Build Up' and 'You Are a Star'!