
What we offer

"Sing to make you feel good today" / Sing to Make You Feel Good / © Fischy Music 2017
Church workers and adults working with children, frequently tell us how valuable our ‘real life’ songs are, giving children a vocabulary to address issues, explore the challenges they face and their emotional response to them.

Churches can access our songs and resources in a number of ways:

Subscribe to Fischy Music Online

When a church subscribe to Fischy Music Online, all church workers, volunteers and musicians have unlimited access to Fischy songs and teaching resources for a full year and can all be logged in simultaneously. You can preview song trailers for all our songs and get a Free Taster of Fischy Music Online or email us to set up a free one-month trial for your church.

Fischy Music Online Song Packages include:

  • Songs for all-age worship
  • Sheet Music, so church music groups can play the songs
  • Song videos, audio tracks and teaching resources
  • Tried and tested real-life songs that nurture children’s wellbeing, with topics including Gathering, Prayer and Reflection, plus a great selection of songs suitable for Sunday School, children's groups, Messy Church and holiday clubs
  • Song Playlists, eg Christmas, All-age Worship
  • Create your own Playlists

Find out more about Fischy Music Online or visit our shop and subscribe now!

Sponsor a School

A growing number of individuals and churches/organisations support our work by gifting a School Day, Song Project or Fischy Music Online subscription to their local school(s). To find out more about how this works, visit Sponsor a School or email: info@fischy.com.


We run training sessions for those interested in using our songs and learning more about Fischy Music Online. These free sessions are usually run on Zoom and give an opportunity to learn some new all-age worship songs. To find out more, visit Training or email: info@fischy.com.

“'Angry Hotel Man' is the best way to tell the Christmas story; fun and great for mixed age group Sunday school to enjoy learning (in 2 sessions) and taking part in. Just need an older child to lead.”
Cluny and Monymusk Sunday School

Fischy Music Online, our digital song streaming platform, reaches thousands of children in schools and churches, giving access to Fischy sing-along song videos, audio tracks and extensive teaching resources. An annual subscription gives all teachers unlimited access to our newest songs as well as all the Fischy favourites, like 'Build Up' and 'You Are a Star'!