Fabbydabbydee (ages 3-7)
This song helps us to find out about likes and dislikes and helps us to get to know one another better. It is also about equality and appreciating each other’s differences. The last verse points out that it can feel good to discover things we have in common.
Fabbydabbydee (ages 3-7) (Acoustic version)
An acoustic version of the well known Sticky Kids/Fischy song exploring our uniqueness. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
Going on a Journey (ages 3-7)
This song is about changes, moving on and how other people are with us on these ‘journeys’.
I'm the Only I (ages 3-7)
This song is about how unique and special we are.
This Is How I'm Feeling
A pop style song that explores a range of emotions in a fun way, the same words are sung in each verse but the style of music changes to reflect the emotion.
We're All Together Again (ages 3-7)
This song gives children a sense of being part of a group and that each child is valued.
Who Wants a Friend like Snorty Bull? (ages 3-7)
Essentially this is a song about behaviour choices. It encourages children to think about how they show their different moods and attitudes and how this affects their friendships.
Who Wants a Friend like Snorty Bull? (ages 3-7) (Acoustic version)
Guitar and fiddle version of a fun song exploring friendship. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
We're the Land of Scots
A new Scottish anthem for children in Scotland, which celebrates cultural diversity and all things Scottish! From the youngest to the oldest, we can help each other and celebrate being here together.