Build Up (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
This highly popular song encourages us to build each other up, not tear down.
Check It
A rap style song encouraging children to treat other people well on social media and on the Internet.
A rap style song that reminds us that it is essential that when sensitive things are shared in a group, we keep them in the group.
Helps to open up the difficult concept that people suffer in many ways, but that we can dream of a day when ‘hearts are mended’.
I'm the Only I
This classic Fischy song celebrates our individual and collective worth and uniqueness.
I'm the Only I (ages 3-7)
This song is about how unique and special we are.
A call and response song that encourages children to be kind and imagine what their world would be like if we were more caring to one another.
A catchy dance style song giving an opportunity for children to enjoy their names by singing, whispering, shouting and thinking them.
Nobody Is a No-one
This song explores being positively assertive when people step over our 'boundaries'.
That's What a Friend Is
A catchy feel good call and response song that reflects on some qualities of a good friend.
We Can Do Good
Three simple stories of people who did a good turn for someone, in a 50’s rock and roll style.
We Can Sing
We sometimes feel scared to sing – this fun song says we can all give it a go, no matter what our voice sounds like. Please note this is an updated version of this song.
We Won't Stop Singing (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
Originally written about Climate change, but as the pandemic hit our country it has become a song giving children the opportunity to express some of the emotions they may be feeling in a positive way.
Who Wants a Friend like Snorty Bull? (ages 3-7)
Essentially this is a song about behaviour choices. It encourages children to think about how they show their different moods and attitudes and how this affects their friendships.
Who Wants a Friend like Snorty Bull? (ages 3-7) (Acoustic version)
Guitar and fiddle version of a fun song exploring friendship. Please note this is an audio-only track, with a still image video.
Children love questions and this song celebrates their value with a mix of silly and serious ones in an energetic rock style. Why indeed!
You Me Just the Same (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
This song explores the issue of how we react when people are different to us.
Speak Up (with Health & Wellbeing resources)
A protest song, written by Fischy Music with Christian Aid, to give children permission and a voice to speak and sing up for what they believe is right and fair.
We're the Land of Scots
A new Scottish anthem for children in Scotland, which celebrates cultural diversity and all things Scottish! From the youngest to the oldest, we can help each other and celebrate being here together.