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Whatever Happens

This song features lyric ideas from two P7 classes from Fife, who acted as ‘song consultants’ for a Fischy project. It explores the theme of transition to secondary school, feelings around this, and the ways that children can support each other at this time.


Health & Wellbeing

  • 10-12 years
Whatever Happens - Audio only

Listen to the song

Listen to the backing track

Whatever Happens - Support Materials

When to use the song

This easy-going song could be used as a way of opening up discussions around transition, and how we and other people play a part in making this a good experience. It could also be a great soundtrack to a P7/Yr6 class slideshow or presentation for the end of term.

SEAL Topics

  • Changes

PSHE Themes

  • Living in the wider world
  • Relationships